Thursday 13 October 2011


       I just felt like cursing on someone just now,.but when I reprocessed my anger back in my lobes of the brain and think more wisely.. thinking that today is Friday’s night..that’s mean its not good do something bad! I just try to suppress all those feeling and keep inside..

     I rolling on my bed side by side,.than give sighs many many times..and I end up annoy with myself because I should be at the blame..those all my fault,. What I did before it just like a jerk try to think she is a saint!..and that feeling make me want to tear myself into million of pieces…

    Why…why..and why…I kept reminding myself TO DON’T JUST MAKE IMPRESSION OR IDEAS by just what I see,. I hear, or what other people say..I keep remind myself bout that.,but..It seems like when I saw something.. it just like someone just ‘mumbo-jumbo’ me…BOOM,.I FORGET MY OWN ADVICE TO MY OWNSELF!,.I will just straight away jump into conclusion,.and if my assumption always right,.it would be much,,much..and much better..but,.well..Its look likes all my that so I called ‘wise judgements’, .many of them were actually turned into accusations…and it makes me feel very BAD!!!

        BAD GIRL!!!grrrr… I feel very awkward …err no,.actually hate the careless thoughts of my brain..of course I do though many times I loved now! I like it when it can actually help me express my hastiness toward it…though I realize my bad habit every time it turns into mischief behavior.. I just can’t change it…

     Well,. It isn’t because I don’t want to…coz I’ve tried everything…but it just kept recur everytime I see something.. it couldn’t be I must blind my eye to just make my habit must have some other way…but what is it.PLEASE HELP ME!!!  :I..coz  it seem impossible for me right now.,TT__TT

yes..i know..this is not related to what i wrote..but, will look so what we call in malay 'kosong'..hehehe..that's why and how..:P

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